
Online Booking

Make a reservation or check the reservation status of Poroholma. Accommodation resevations must be paid in full, via online payment at the time of booking.
Enter the date of arrival and the number of nights in the reservation system below and the system will show you all available accommodation facilities and moorings.

• After payment you will receive immediate confirmation of the reservation and you can also download the confirmation to yourself.

The reservation will also be sent via email. If you do not get a message, it may be in the spam folder. Please check the spam folder before requesting confirmation email by e-mail: info (at) poroholma.fi
• Camping tent area can not be booked. There is always room in the area, so booking is unnecessary.
• Accommodation can be booked online only for the period May - August. At other times reservations must be made by telephone or email.
• Accommodations can not be reserved for the time of midsummer festival.
• We also make reservations for companies by invoice, inquire about booking: info (at) poroholma.fi

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